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Safe and Vault Store offers one of the largest selections of quality safes on the Internet, all ready to meet your home or business needs. Our products include wall safes, gun safes, depository boxes, safety deposit boxes, vault doors, and more.

Meeting Your Home and Business Needs

Home and business security needs can be very different. For the home, we offer floor and wall safes that provide easily concealed protection for jewelry, important documents, and other small valuables. If you're a gun collector, our sleek and attractive rifle cabinets will keep your guns secure. For those who want easy access to personal protection, we offer a selection of high-quality small handgun and pistol safes.

Businesses need to protect documents, media files, and cash while allowing employees easy access to the items they need. We offer high security vaults, undercounter safes, teller lockers, cash boxes, and fireproof filing cabinets, all designed to keep your business--and profits--secure. We also offer businesses a range of quality coin and currency counters, along with Tidel accessories.

Fire or Theft?

Safe and Vault Store provides both fireproof and burglarproof security solutions. Generally, fire is a greater risk than theft in most private homes, while businesses may require a combination of fire and burglary-proof security systems. It's important to remember most fireproof safes are designed to protect paper documents and cash. If you need to protect electronic media, consider a data media safe, which is specially designed for sensitive electronics.

Got questions about safe and vault selection? Call our experts at 1-800-207-2259 to choose a safe that best suits your needs.

Click one of the categories below to find out more information or call one of our safe experts at 800-207-2259. We would be happy to guide you to the proper safe for your needs.

Biometric Fingerprint Safes Icon Burglar Fire Safes Icon Burglary Safes Icon Cash Boxes Icon

Cash Dispensing Safes Icon Coin & Currency Counter Icon Data Media Safes Icon Depository Safes Icon

Fire File Cabinets Icon Fireproof Safes Icon Floor Safes Icon Gun Cabinets Icon

Gun Safes Icon Handgun & Pistol Safes Icon High Security Burglar Fire Safes Icon Hotel Safes Icon

Laptop Safes Icon Modular Safes Icon Pharmacy Safes Icon Safe Accessories Icon

Safe Deposit Boxes Icon Safe Locks Icon Security Safes Icon Teller Lockers Icon

Tidel Accessories Icon Under Counter Safes Icon Used Safes & Outlet Store Icon Vault Door Icon

Wall Safes Icon
