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Biometric safes, also known as fingerprint safes are designed for quick access when you need to get to your items in a hurry. With a biometric fingerprint safe, you no longer need to remember a combination or carry a key. Everything you need is right at your fingertips! The safes we carry have high quality fingerprint readers so that you will always have quick access to your items. Whether you are looking to store handguns or just some valuables, we carry a variety of biometric safes that are highly dependable and will fit your needs.
Not only do you not need to carry a key, or remember a combination, but no one else runs the risk of finding out your combination, or gaining access to your key. Fingerprints are nearly unique, with Francis Galton once having determined the odds of finding two people with identical prints to be one in 65 billion - more people than are currently living on earth. While no fingerprint scanner is perfect, this is still far more secure than a typical combination safe, which will have no more than one million possible combinations. (Also, unlike numbers, even the most determined safecracker would have a hard time trying every possible fingerprint)
But not every biometric fingerprint safe is the same. Many of these types of safes on the market have a low-quality reader that has a high false read rate. Any time you get a cut on your finger or it gets dirty, these types of readers will not work well. We have selected a list of manufacturers and products that only offer high-quality readers. This way you know that you will have quick access to your handguns or valuable items. When your life is at risk, you want to be assured that you can get to your handgun quickly. With our selection, you will have peace of mind that your fingerprint will read right away, giving you that quick access you desire.
The other benefit of a Biometric Safe is that you do not have to remember a combination or carry around a key. All you need is your fingerprint and the safe will open. Are you worried that the lock will fail or the batteries will die? Most of these safes have a backup key in case of this situation -- which you can keep in a safe deposit box or another safe place since you’ll only need it in these emergency cases. Another thing to keep in mind is that you can program several fingerprints into the lock. If you do happen to get a cut on your finger, you can just try another finger to gain access to your items.
Because there are so many biometric safes on the market there are sure to be ones that will fit the degree of security you are looking for and not cost an arm and a leg. Call us today at 800-207-2259 and we will find you the perfect match.
A: Biometric safes, also known as fingerprint safes are any safe with a lock that uses your unique fingerprint to open. Depending on the brand of safe, the reader can hold multiple fingerprints and allow you to choose who can enter the safe. You can program multiple fingers or add trusted family or friends’ fingerprints as well. All you need to do is scan or swipe your fingerprint and the lock will recognize that it is you and open the safe. The benefit of using your unique fingerprint is that nobody can replicate it, making it almost impossible to gain access to your valuable contents. Using your fingerprint is also much quicker to open than entering a code or using a key.
A: Biometric safes offer the latest technology and quick access to your valuables and firearms. The reliability of the lock depends on the brand of safe as well as your age. Brands such as Liberty and Vaultek offer a reliable, high-quality fingerprint reader with low false read rates. If you are older than 55, your fingerprints may not work as well when trying to open the safe. This is due to thinning fingerprints. Almost all fingerprint readers will lose accuracy with increasing age. In this case, we would recommend looking at a safe with a key, mechanical lock, or digital lock.
Biometric locks are just as secure as a standard mechanical lock or digital lock. In fact, they may be more secure because they use your unique fingerprint to open. Nobody else will have your fingerprint. Unlike a key, a fingerprint cannot be lost, stolen, or taken into a locksmith to make a copy. There is also no combination to guess or manipulate.
A: Biometric safes have a secure fingerprint reader that records the whirls and special characteristics on your finger in an encrypted digital format. When you swipe your finger on the reader, it matches the scan to the fingerprint stored in the lock and opens the safe if it is a match. If it does not match, or there is an error, the safe will not open.
A: Here are some advantages to buying a safe with a biometric lock.
A: There are some downsides to buying a safe with a biometric lock. The cost can be a factor as safes with biometric locks typically cost more than a safe with a mechanical or digital lock. As biometric technology grows, the cost will come down. If you are price conscious, a safe with a mechanical lock or digital lock may be more economical.
If you work with your hands a lot such as workers or musicians, you end up developing ridges, calluses, and parts of your fingerprints may even wear off. Or if your hands regularly get cuts or abrasions on your fingers that may cause your fingerprint to change. These may all cause issues with reading your fingerprint, especially if you buy a safe that has a low-quality reader. You can always scan multiple fingers to try and get around that. We suggest only buying a safe with a fingerprint reader that has a low false read rate. Or look for a safe with a mechanical or digital lock so that you do not need to worry about your safe not opening when you need it the most.
Other things on your finger such as moisture, dirt, oils, blood, lotions, sunscreen, glue, and other kinds of materials can also cause problems reading your fingerprint.
If you are over 55, this can affect how the lock reads your fingerprint as well. This is due to thinning fingerprints. Almost all fingerprint readers will lose accuracy with increasing age.
A: A biometric lock typically takes either a 9V battery or AA batteries to operate. These will last about a year depending on use. Even if they last longer, you should still change them once a year like you do your smoke detectors. The lock will beep when the battery is getting low letting you know it's time to change them out.
Some biometric safes such as the Vaultek brand use a rechargeable lithium-Ion battery to operate. These will last 4 months on one charge depending on use. They can be recharged using the provided micro-USB charging kit and charge up to full in about 2.5 hours.
Liberty biometric safes take a 9V battery but also have an A/C Adapter that can plugin to any standard outlet for power. This way your safe is powered 24/7 and you never have to worry about a battery running low.
A: Yes, your fingerprint is stored in a volatile memory chip. Even if your battery is completely dead, your fingerprint(s) will still be saved. All you need to do is replace the battery. You can then swipe your fingerprint to get back into the safe.
A: Every safe is different on where the battery compartment is located. Some have the batteries located on the outside of the safe for an easy changeout. Some are located inside the safe and require using the override key to get into the safe to change out the batteries. Each safe will come with a manual and instructions on how to change your batteries.
A: Almost all fingerprint safes have other ways to get into the safe if your fingerprint doesn't work. This could be because of issues with your fingerprint, the lock has failed, or your battery is dead. Most of the time you will use the provided override key to get into the safe to gain access to your items.
The top 5 best biometric safes with high-quality fingerprint readers are: